Calculations of Fluid Saturations from Log-Derived J-Functions In Giant Complex Middle-East Carbonate Reservoir


  • Tawfiq A Obeida Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil Operations
  • Yousef S Al-Mehairi Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil Operations
  • Karri Suryanarayana Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil Operations


Calculation of initial fluid saturations is a critical step in any 3D reservoir modeling studies. The initial water saturation (Swi) distribution will dictate the original oil in place (STOIP) estimation and will influence the subsequent steps in dynamic modeling (history match and predictions). Complex carbonate reservoirs always represent a quit a challenge to geologist and reservoir engineers to calculate the initial water saturation with limited or no SCAL data available. The proposed method in this study combines core data (permeability) from 32 cored wells with identifiable reservoir rock types (RRTs) and log data (porosity and Swi) to develop drainage log-derived capillary pressure (Pc) based on rock quality index (RQI) and then calculate J-function for each RRT which was used to calculate the initial water saturation in the reservoir. The initialization results of the dynamic model indicate good Swi profile match between the calculated Swi and the log-Swi for 70 wells across the field. The calculation of STOIP indicates a good agreement (within 3% difference) between the geological 3D model (31 million cells fine scale) and the upscaled dynamic model (1 million cells). The proposed method can be used in any heterogeneous media to calculate initial fluid saturations.

Author Biography

Tawfiq A Obeida, Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil Operations

Senior Reservoir Engineer at Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil Operation (ADCO), has over 15 years of experience in the oil and gas industry. Before joining ADCO in 1999, Tawfiq was working as a Senior Staff Reservoir Engineer, Coordinator of reservoir engineering department at the Arabian Gulf Oil Company (AGOCO) in Libya. He was a visiting professor during 1995/96 at the Institute of Reservoir Engineering, University of Leoben in Austria. Tawfiq graduated from West Virginia University in Morgantown, W. Virginia, U.S.A., with BS and MS degrees in petroleum engineering. In 1990, he graduated from Oklahoma University, Norman Oklahoma, U.S.A, with a PhD in petroleum engineering.



How to Cite

Obeida, T. A., Al-Mehairi, Y. S., & Suryanarayana, K. (2005). Calculations of Fluid Saturations from Log-Derived J-Functions In Giant Complex Middle-East Carbonate Reservoir. E-Journal of Petrophysics, 1(1). Retrieved from



Case Study